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Le jeu de la vie est un automate-cellulaire qui fonctionne sans joueur. Tout est question de succession de causes et de conséquences. Basé sur de simples règles, il permet de calculer tout algorithme, on parle de machine de turing universelle. Il apporte avec lui, tout un champs lexical, un univers graphique, des objets, des formes.

Les formes :
• les structures stables
• les structures périodiques, ou oscillateurs
• les vaisseaux
• les mathusalems

Plus rare :
• les puffeurs
• les canons
• les jardins d’Éden
• les spacefillers

image à venir
Le premier jardin d’Éden trouvé en 1971, par Banks, Beeler et Schroeppel.

Les variantes :

Un canon à planeurs de période 30.



Automate cellulaire

The Nature of Code - Chapter 7 Cellular Automata

Kente cloth
Originating from the Akan people of Ghana, kente cloth is a woven fabric celebrated for its vibrant colors and intricate patterns. Woven in narrow strips, each design is unique, and when joined, the strips form a tapestry of complex and emergent patterns that tell a story or carry a message. The image shows three typical Ewe kente stripes, highlighting the diverse weaving traditions that reflect the rich cultural tapestry of Ghana.

A cellular automaton, it's a physics world where a pixel is called a cell and its value (0 or 1) is called its state. focus on systems and algorithms rather than vectors and motion—albeit systems and algorithms that I can and will apply to moving bodies.

→ The cells live on a grid.
→ Each cell has a state, it can vary over time. - (The number of possible states is typically finite)
→ Each cell has a neighborhood. - (Typically all the cells adjacent to that cell)

The idea that a cell’s state can vary over time. CA shows how an
object’s state can change based on a system of rules. Just as dominoes react to their neighboring dominoes, the behavior of each cell in a CA is influenced by the states of its neighboring cells.