Notions clés
→ Le jeu de la vie ☆
→ Turing-complet ☆
→ Warez scene ☆
→ Data physicalisation
→ Langages exotiques ☆
→ La philosophie linux
→ Flat - Even
Références en tout genre !
→ Hartmut Böhm
→ Schrift System
→ Wim Crouwel
→ Julien Gachadoat - V3ga
→ Martin Lemaire
→→ shape tools shape practices
→ Aperçu - git commit
→ Vera Molnar - Peintures et algorythmes
Catégorisation non-ordinaire des fonts :
→ FontStruct
→ Adelfaure ☆
→ Dwarf Fortness game ☆
→ Andreas Gysin
→→ ASCII generator tool ☆
→ Turtle code
→ Alphabet CD-ROM
→ Raphael Bottura - Poto de Maxime (à contacter).
→ John Maeda - Clock's
→ Le Club des Chevreuils
→ Déclaration
→ Louis Eveillard
→→ Le tricodeur ☆
→→ Atelier des chercheurs
→→ Dodocs
→ Spip
→ Orca - langage de programmation
→ Tout se transforme
→ Textures-GIF
→ John Maeda (ref atelier en lien avec la programmation et du carton)
→ Rencontrer du beau monde (EAC)
→ MJC Berlioz
→ Workshop
Inspirations textuelles
→ Zotero
→ A Class of Models with the Potential to Represent Fundamental Physics
→ Stephen Wolfram - A New King of Science
→ Mémoire "Écrire le dessin" - Samantha Zannoni
→ Librairie de manifestes : Conditional design manifesto
→ Conditional Design: A Manifesto for Artists and Designers
Through the influence of the media and technology on our world, our lives are increasingly characterized by speed and constant change. We live in a dynamic, data-driven society that is continually sparking new forms of human interaction and social contexts. Instead of romanticizing the past, we want to adapt our way of working to coincide with these developments, and we want our work to reflect the here and now. We want to embrace the complexity of this landscape, deliver insight into it and show both its beauty and its shortcomings.
Our work focuses on processes rather than products: things that adapt to their environment, emphasize change and show difference.Instead of operating under the terms of Graphic Design, Interaction Design, Media Art or Sound Design, we want to introduce Conditional Design as a term that refers to our approach rather than our chosen media. We conduct our activities using the methods of philosophers, engineers, inventors and mystics.We use logic to design the conditions through which the process can take place.
→ Antoine de Saint-Exupery
On ne connait que les choses qu'on apprivoise.
→ The Nature of Code - Chapter 7 Cellular Automata
The idea that a cell’s state can vary over time. CA shows how an
object’s state can change based on a system of rules.
Inspirations graphiques
images en vrac ...